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Requesting payment from Vendors
Requesting payment from Vendors
Christiaan Lok avatar
Written by Christiaan Lok
Updated over a week ago

Rello will automatically and continually monitor your Box & Dice account for new listings that are marked as requiring payment for vendor paid advertising via Rello - if a listing contains the required data (noted below), Rello will create a payment request, otherwise it will ignore the listing until it is updated fully.

To create a payment request, you must:

  1. Add a listing to a property

  2. Upload your signed listing authority document to that listing as a file attachment

  3. Add a vendor to the listing with either a valid email or a valid Australian mobile phone number

  4. Add the estimated sale price range (the "from" and "to" values, matching similar statements on the listing authority)

  5. Tap "Request VPA funding" within the listing

To utilise additional optional features, be aware of the following:

  1. To have a notification sent to the user who initiated the payment request from Box & Dice ... the user must have an email address in their Box & Dice profile - if this is not available, no additional notification will be sent to the user

  2. To receive funds from Rello "on the campaign start date" instead of "on approval", the campaign start date field must be populated at the time of the request being initiated (or you can edit this quickly afterwards via the Rello portal) - if the field is not populated when the request is initiated, the request will be set to pay out on approval.

Add a listing to a property

Box & Dice only provide Rello with "listings" - so you'll need to create a listing against a property to ensure we can access your data:

Upload your signed listing authority

Rello requires a copy of a signed listing authority (showing the property, vendor, estimated sale price/range and authorised advertising budget) to offer a vendor paid advertising agreement.

Box & Dice allow you to upload a single PDF file and note it as a "listing authority" - Rello can only access this single file, so you need to upload this correctly.

Scroll down on the listing, and tap "Add new file":

Select your file to upload (Rello requires PDF format), and select "Listing Authority" from the "Options" list:

Once saved, you'll see the file listed on the listing like this:

Add a vendor

Rello requires at least one vendor to be noted on the listing, with either a valid email or a valid Australian mobile number (so we can send a payment request to them):

Add the estimated sale price range

Rello requires the estimated sale price an agent has advised to the vendor (matching the listing authority) - add these values in Box & Dice by editing the listing:

Add the authorised advertising budget

Rello requires the approved advertising budget the vendor has accepted (matching the listing authority):

Note there are a couple of ways to add this in Box & Dice, all should work the same for Rello's access.

Add the campaign start date

If you want to receive funds from Rello on the campaign start date instead of immediately on approval (and you've configured this setting on your office, within Rello's integration settings), you must add the campaign start date to the listing before initiating the payment request:

  • If no "campaign start date" is configured at the time the payment request is created, Rello will default to same/next business day disbursement

  • The disbursement date can be no more than 60 days from the date the request is created, or activated - if the campaign start date set in Box & Dice is greater than 60 days into the future, Rello will set disbursement for 60 days into the future.

Mark the listing to "Request VPA funding"

Box & Dice only present the button to "Request VPA funding" on a campaign, within a listing - so you'll need to create a campaign on a listing to access this button. No other information on a campaign is used by Rello.

If no campaign exists on the listing, create one:

Once created, and assuming all of the data points noted above are already entered ... tap the "Request VPA Funding" button:

  • You can tap this button at any time, however Rello will ignore the listing until all of the data points noted above are entered

  • Once tapped, the button cannot be "un-tapped" - if you want to cancel the request, login to the Rello portal to do so

Rello will detect the listing has a funding request, retrieve the required data and send a payment request to the vendor for valid requests. This will occur within 15-20 mins of the option being requested in Box & Dice.

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