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Requesting additional funds

Request additional funds from a vendor, to either "pay now" or increase the financed agreement

Christiaan Lok avatar
Written by Christiaan Lok
Updated over 2 months ago

You can request additional funding on/via VPA agreements to cover additional costs in support of the property sale.

  • Multiple requests can be processed on the same agreement

  • Your vendor can choose to pay now via card/EFT and or add the request amount to their existing agreement

  • All approved/paid requests are disbursed same/next day to you (not your vendor)

  • Invoices, quotes or other supporting documents are required to support the amount requested, in the case of increasing finance on an existing agreement

Requesting funds

Request funding from the dashboard, or viewing the PR:

Enter the amount, an explanatory note and attach invoices/quotes or other appropriate documents if a finance increase is intended (not required if a vendor will "pay now", but still recommended to provide context to the payment):

You will see the additional funding requests created against a current agreement by viewing the agreement, and expanding the "Details" card:

Your vendor will receive an email notification advising of the new request - they must login to the vendor portal to complete the request. The request will show in a pending status until your vendor has actioned the request.

Scroll to bottom of vendor portal screen to view additional funding requests:

Pay now process

When a vendor decides to pay you directly via card or EFT, the vendor portal will manage this process simply for them. Within the agent portal, you'll see a new payment request created to separately capture this payment.

For card payments, you will see a the additional funding request displayed as paid on the original agreement. A link will show to a new/separate payment request - this request was automatically created to capture and process the card payment.

For EFT/PayId payments, the same process applies however there can be a delay of 1-3 days to receive the funds from the vendor, so the additional funding request (and it's supporting separate payment request) will display as pending until the funds are received.

In either case, the "pay now" payment request will inherit the settings of the original agreement (disbursement account, notifications, lodgement reference, etc).

Increasing the finance agreement

When a vendor decides to add the additional request to their existing agreement, the request will show as submitted to Rello for review. Rello may reach out to you or your vendor for additional information, if not available on the initial request.

When approved, funds are disbursed same/next day to you. The agreement balance is incremented with the request amount and additional service fees, the payment to you will use the same lodgement reference configured on the original agreement. You'll see amended details in your dashboard for the original agreement.

If declined, your vendor can still pay the amount directly via card/EFT in the vendor portal, or you can cancel the request. In either case, you'll see the current status of the request by viewing the original agreement - all additional funding requests are retained for your records.

Vendor options & fees

Adding funds to an existing agreement incurs a minimum fee, after which a standard service fee applies.

Paying a request directly to the agency via card incurs a card surcharge of 1.5%, added to your transaction.

Paying a request directly to the agency via PayID/EFT is free.


  • Statuses for additional funding requests are:

    • Pending - the request is waiting for your vendor to action it

    • Paid - your vendor has paid the request via card/EFT

    • Submitted - your vendor has asked to add the additional funding amount to their current agreement, Rello is assessing the request

    • Declined - the additional funding request was requested to be added to the agreement, but Rello has declined this request due to credit policy (vendor can still pay via card/EFT)

    • Cancelled - you've cancelled the additional funding request

    • Approved - the additional funding request was requested to be added to the agreement and has been approved as such by Rello

  • You can create multiple requests for additional funding, each is evaluated/processed independently

  • Your vendors can choose different payment options for different requests (e.g. pay now on one, pay later on another)

  • Your vendor can’t change anything on the request once it's created.

  • You can cancel a pending or declined request, but not when it's submitted or approved (contact us for that)

  • Adding additional funds to an existing agreement attracts a minimum fee - it's best to consolidate multiple requests into one rather than doing them separately (each is processed separately, no refunds or adjustments to consolidate multiple agreements are possible, after the request have ben approved or paid)

  • Pending/declined requests will expire after 30 days, and be automatically cancelled

  • If a source PR is completed before an additional request is actioned, the additional requests will be automatically cancelled

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